Cost Effective ways to build your Business

Social Media is usually the first thing people use and to be honest is a great resource but does everyone use social media, the answer is no as many people refuse to get on mainly because they do not want to deal with all of the pettiness that comes with this. The facts about social media are simple.
- You listing will never be seen by anyone that is not on that platform so you are missing a whole market of people and in many cases if this is your only source of advertising then I hope you never get slow and need the other source of revenue.
Online Presence:
Many businesses think an online presence is just to expensive but in reality not having an online presence is even more expensive. My philosophy in business and in life is start small and then grown so you will always be able to handle what is ahead, in short you do not need the large website to start off but you definitely need something smaller to get your feet in the water to see what you are missing.
Now that you are thinking about an online presence you need to create a budget where you want to start. Being in business for over 45 years I honestly understand the needs of being online and I also understand the need to keep things in budget, which is why I started my online advertising resources which are all high ranked so as to create ways for people to start building their business. Of course I can build you a complete website which will usually start around 3 thousand of a fully optimized website that will be able to rank on all of the major serps via keywords within a few months. The important Keyword here is “optimized”, there are many very good website designers out there and that is what you really get and many who say they can optimize your site for high rankings but most cannot unfortunately, but you will get a nice site and if that is all that is important to you then go for it!
What I recommend for people who have started a side business of either contracting or service related fields is a simple page ad, a page ad is what we can put together for businesses just starting out or on a tight budget, page ads get ranked very quick, usually in under a month so that means you can start benefiting from organic rankings quickly.
How is this possible? Simply put page ads are on my websites that are already ranked so they get indexed quickly so people looking for your service will find you through local and regional searches. Now with page ads you only get one page which we have you write your content so people see what you want but we optimize that content so you rank on the search engines and we can install a couple pictures that you provide for $450., these page ads will be put on any one of the sites listed below.
You can choose anyone of the above and your PageAds will receive a prominent listing with incoming links. As an added bonus we will also provide you a one year listing on absolutely free, again you can provide the content and we will set up for you. Now on you will be able to login to your account and update your content whenever you want. These updates can be aligned with specials you might have. Additionally we will link your page ad to your listing thus providing your listing an incoming link and your PageAd an incoming link. This will create visibility for items or events that you want noticed.
The $450. Is a one time charge, though each year you will have a $10. Maintance fee to keep it, now this fee does not include updates to the page but only insures that page is still visible and on that page. Should you want to update with new content that will be a $75. Fee that must be paid in advance. We will update pictures and make updates to content via your input.
Payment options:
We do accept credit cards for payment and payment will be due within 30 days of completion as long as we have a valid card on file, if payment is not received within this time period your page ad will be removed and we will no longer provide you this service. Your page ad will be ranked within this 30 day period for at least one of you keywords, guaranteed! Since it is only one page you will only be able to go after 3-5 keywords.
As an example: Zanesville, Ohio pet walking would be considered 2 keywords. Then after your payment is received we will set you up on NREast or with a premium account for one year for absolutely free where you can update your listing when ever you want. We will link your page ad to these listings for free and also link back to your PageAd for free.