Country Music Festival

Welcome to the Zanesville Country Music Festival, Ohio’s most anticipated country music event of the year! Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Zanesville, this festival is a heartfelt ode to country music, its roots, and the vibrant community of fans and musicians that keep its spirit alive.

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Local Breweries

Local Brews of Muskingum County: A Toast to Tradition and Innovation

Muskingum County, with its rich heritage and vibrant culture, is also home to a blossoming craft beer scene. Local breweries here encapsulate the spirit of the community, blending time-honored brewing traditions with modern innovations. Whether it’s a robust stout that tells a tale of the region’s history or a zesty IPA infused with contemporary flavors, there’s a pint for every palate. Beyond the brews, these establishments often serve as community hubs, where residents gather to share stories, celebrate milestones, or simply enjoy the ambiance. By supporting these local breweries, one is not just savoring a drink but also raising a glass to Muskingum County’s industrious spirit and passion for craftsmanship.

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